Alicia Turnquest

Deputy Head Girl and Sixth Form Association President 2020-2021

“To fulfill divine purpose, you gotta answer when you’re called”  -Yolanda Adams.

If I gave you a synopsis of my school journey from grade seven to 13, you would probably wonder how I did it. Well, it was by answering the call of Purpose. My experience at Mount Alvernia High School has transformed my life for the better, and the qualities that I’ve learned and adopted will continue to mold me into a lady who strives for positive pursuits.

The aspiration to serve as your Deputy Head girl was fostered since grade seven. I envisioned myself as the torch carrier of change, but at first I thought it was impossible because I wasn’t the student who readily received a leadership position or who had competitive grades. So I had to spark the confidence within myself, because that did not define the natural leader I was. I had to ask myself, “Do you know who you are?”. A tough question to answer when my reflection wasn’t who I was on the inside. 

I was fortunate to have an amazing support system of teachers, peers and my family to embrace the best version of myself from the beginning of grade 10. The major turning point was when Mrs Reynolds, the past principal of Mount Alvernia High, appointed me as the Acting Head Girl. That was a major opportunity that successively opened the gates to being the Head Prefect for grade 11, the head organizer for the first Honour roll party and representing my school at other events. 

However, as the famous song says, “you gotta dig a little deeper to find out who you are” and with that in mind I didn’t stop there. I bravely applied for the position of Head Girl during unsettled times, yet like the story of Esther, I was called upon in such a time like this one for a reason and for a purpose.

Serving as your Deputy Head Girl and Sixth Form Association President for the academic year 2020-2021 was a blessing and a trial. For us student leaders, I can confidently declare Covid-19 did not stop us! We had to develop different dynamics, nevertheless we integrated as a group and  achieved our objectives way beyond our imagination. We held zoom seminars/meetings, Instagram live events, charity projects and so much more. This year was truly an escapade into the unknown, but we made the best of the situation and the odds were in our favor as the determination, passion and discipline meted out by the students leaders were like never before.

The beauty of being a student leader is seeing that smile of gratitude of your young leaders and mentors. Through selflessness, advocacy and determination, I’ve found myself and where I belong. So if the question should be asked again, my answer will be that I am a lady, I am the daughter of the living God, I am everything I’ve learned and more and I am Alicia Turnquest.