Mikhayla Williams

Head Girl 2020-2021

It was once said by John Quincy Adams that “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” One thing I can proudly stand and say about Mount Alvernia High is that after attending this institution for six years, it has subtly transformed into my home, and it nurtures a sister-hood like no other. Mount Alvernia has not only shown me the true meaning of discipline, love, simplicity, honesty and respect, but it has also given me countless opportunities to serve as a positive role model for hundreds of young ladies who I consider my sisters. 

This past year has been a rollercoaster ride for everybody, including myself, who have been trying to juggle the pandemic, school, and our personal lives. We were thrust into the virtual space for all forms of interactions, but after a year of staying inside, going to school online as well as carrying out my duties as Head Girl in a virtual space, I can confidently say we all made it through, even though some of us barely trudged past the finish line. 

This year my relationship with God intensified immensely, and he was a driving force, which aided me in being a worthy Head Girl to you all. We may not have an outright answer as to why we were hit with COVID and to why we had to stay inside for a year, but one thing we do know is that we have all persevered and adapted to these changes, especially the spectacular ladies at Mount Alvernia High School. 

Whether or not we are in the most favourable position, there are two things that we can always look towards as students of Mount Alvernia High; God, being our guiding light, and the fact that we are all devoted, hard-working, enthusiastic soldiers who can combat all forces that tend to undermine us and our institution. 

Being chosen as your Head Girl may not have been a shock to some of my peers, but for me, I was flabbergasted. I have indeed held responsibilities before such as Senior Lady President, Sub-Prefect, Prefect and even back in the days I served as a grade nine Monitor. However, nothing could have prepared me for this heavy baton that was passed to me with expectations that I still have not yet fathomed. I am honestly honored to have had this opportunity to lead our first batch of virtual Prefects. The support I got from my family, peers, and the prefect body, has been the reason I was able to cope. They were always pushing me forward even when I lacked the confidence, and as one big family, we managed to pull off numerous virtual events and make our voice be heard throughout the entire school body. 

It can be said that my tenure as your Head Girl began in the last few months of twelfth grade, as I knew I had eyes on me then to see if I had the resilience, dedication, and pride to carry on the weighty baton as your Head Girl. Throughout that period and this year, I have learnt so much from all the new responsibilities I had, the projects and tasks I was given. I was also given a much more vivid understanding of the word “leader”. Having to do an interview for the position was nerve racking but also an eye opener for me. It was in that interview room with the six teachers, the two Vice Principals and Mrs. Reynolds peering at me that I made the decision to fully step up and accept the task I have been given by God, the student body and the teachers. I went full throttle into the interview and went with faith. It was as a result of this that I have been blessed to have had various fulfilling experiences which have aided in my growth in becoming a superb student from this noble institution.

I believe that it was through my mother that I have been able to achieve so much mentally, physically and emotionally. I have seen her battle with change that she bravely took on, and this was deeply molded into my being, which is why I know I will never give up easily on any difficult task I am faced with. Over the years my parents have provided me with a new meaning to the words perseverance, dedication and determination which are all required for this position as your Head Girl. 

My time here has also taught me that change was inevitable. This change is where I have been given such opportunities as a leader, where I’ve grown academically and emotionally, every single occurrence leading up to this point has been so fruitful. Looking back on my grade seven self, I know for a fact I am not the same timid girl who walked through those colossal gates seven years ago, and I must thank every aspect of this school for guiding my growth as a young lady of the Mount Alvernia High School. It felt like only yesterday that I had to sprint down the corridors to get to the cafeteria in time, and I would not trade those experiences for the world. 

The pride and selflessness that comes with being a student here and with being a leader has resonated within me. I am grateful that you all gave me this opportunity to be able to experience such impactful situations and I am now closer to fully understanding who I am, through my family, my peers, my teachers, my friends and through God. I know that from here on out, I can only keep blossoming like a hibiscus flower each morning. I can only keep shining like a star every night and I will only keep as bright as the sun each day. I know that the upcoming leaders will take on this challenge to guide you all and fulfil their roles, just as how myself and my fellow student leaders did. Thank you so much, God bless! 

“The Lord is my light and my salvation; who shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?” Psalm 27:1 Mikhayla K. Williams Head Girl 2020-2021