Tobey Ottey

Deputy Head Girl 2020-2021

If someone had told me seven years ago upon entering Mount Alvernia High that I would have the guts to apply for a leadership position, much less to actually serve as deputy head girl within a pandemic, I’d tell them they were crazy.

But sure enough that once far-fetched scenario is in fact my reality for this year. I spent years following and admiring the influential leaders who surrounded and motivated me. Somewhere along the line, I believed I was capable of serving in that capacity too. There were times my faith was tested and I questioned what it meant to be a student leader. 

However, I’m grateful to God, Mount Alvernia and my family for supporting and granting me opportunities that ignited an interest in me to simply be a role model whilst emboldening me to aspire to inspire, whether it be through the Sixth Form Association (SFA), the Prefect Council, on the volleyball court, during a dance performance, or a one-on-one conversation. 

It was my tenure here that developed my personal growth, helped me to find my voice as well as confirmed to me that leadership isn’t a ‘one size fits all’, but something that can take multiple forms. As John C. Maxwell says “Leadership is not about titles, positions or flowcharts, it is about one life influencing another.”.

Nothing could have fully prepared me for the task we as student leaders would be given: to lead through a computer screen. This year, we were all faced with the sticky task of separating school and its responsibilities from home, as we were now virtually inviting people into our homes everyday. In fact, by the first term it was official: Our private life was bound to overlap with the school one -whether we liked it or not. 

This year, we as students were forced to redefine ourselves: Redefine who we are as students and as leaders. “We are leaders: Striving not for perfection, but for interconnection… & efficient communication through virtual interaction!” was the wordy motto pitched to the new prefect council (aka. the guinea pigs) at their first virtual meeting for the school year 2020-2021. One thing established during our first meeting was that our role as Prefects would drastically change. However, we unanimously agreed that even though we would not be seen, we were going to be felt. Without a doubt, the ladies took this challenge head on! 

1 Peter 4:10 says that “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others as faithful stewards of God’s grace”. One thing that made this past year particularly memorable was the dedication that each stakeholder put in to make this school year an impactful one. Our determination gave rise to a plethora of new ideas and experiences, many of which I hope helped to uplift as well as start conversations about difficult, yet important topics between the leaders and soon to be leaders of our school.

 Our school’s theme for the year states “Ladies Embracing Change in a Technological Era”. I am proud to say that I am a part of many ladies who have embraced great changes in this unpredictable year. May this year be the stepping stone for the evolving greatness that will come.