Throy Haughton

Lower School Acting Vice Principal

“Education is the Most Powerful Weapon Which You Can Use to Change the World.”-Nelson Mandela

Dear Mount Alvernia Family,

Thank you for visiting our website, and welcome to Mount Alvernia High School, the premier institution in Western Jamaica for girls.

It is a privilege and honour to serve as your Lower School Vice Principal. Indeed these are unprecedented times, and school may look different since the pandemic. Yet what will never change is our commitment to serving our students, families and community with empathy and dedication.

I am delighted that the school’s values align with my own personal values, including the importance of love, respect, discipline, honesty and simplicity. Most of our children are intelligent, resilient, disciplined and respectful. One of our primary goals at Mount Alvernia is to harvest the potential for success of our students and provide the scaffolding they need to become leaders and role models.

In recounting the biblical story of Noah and the Ark, I would like to highlight the importance of God’s help in all our accomplishments. Though everyone relied on Noah’s architectural skills to build the Ark, the story indicates in Gen 7:16 that it was God who ultimately sealed them all inside before the flood started. May the Almighty God seal us inside his Ark of protection in these unprecedented times. 

I take this opportunity to thank God Almighty for his continued benevolence and blessings bestowed upon our institution through various stakeholders. I also wish to extend sincere gratitude to all our staff members for their constant amicable support towards the institution. 

As a member of your school community, I am excited and pledge my continued support to each family in preparing our students at Mount Alvernia High School for success. I want to use this opportunity also to encourage all our students to aspire for excellence both in academics and extra-curricular, and by extension use the school resources that are available to you in accomplishing your goals. My office door is always open- please feel free to contact me with any questions, comments, or concerns you may have.

Again I want to thank all our stakeholders for their continued support and contribution in assisting to move the school to greater heights as per our Motto “ad astra per aspera – To the stars through difficulties.”