Mission and Vision Statements

Vision of the Diocese of Montego Bay

“Be it known to all who enter that Christ is the reason for the school. He is the model for its faculty and administration as well as the inspiration of its students”.

Mission of the Ministry of Education

To provide strategic leadership and policy direction for quality education for all Jamaicans to maximize their potential, Contribute to national development and compete effectively in the global economy.

Vision of the Ministry of Education

A customer centered performance oriented education system producing globally competitive, socially conscious Jamaican citizens.

Mission of the School

To develop the intellectual, social and moral character of our students by providing quality education that will contribute to the national development of Jamaica and therefore enabling them to compete effectively in the global economy.

Vision of the school

To create a positive, supportive and student centered environment along with Christian principles exemplified by Saint Francis of Assisi, thereby empowering our students to achieve excellence.

Core Value

Love, Discipline, Respect, Honesty and Simplicity.